Didn’t post but i had Dodgers straight & couple parlays . Also been betting every game Dodgers^4.5 Total runs & Rays^^3.5 . That saved me a little. Ok have Dodgers^^4.5 $36-32. Rays ^^3.5 $35-35. $15-83 Dodgers ml, ^^8, & Brighton under 2.5 ( English league) I know nothing about soccer. But this pro guy Bender gave out 2 yesterday hit. Also have another Bender soccer pick Brighton -142, Dodgerml& Packers -3 $15-61. Soccer game is on monday. Fiing Jansen 1 strike away from winning the game. 2 errors in the inning . Actually could call it 3. Error in outfield , then throw from 1st baseman & catcher dropping the ball. Runner scored all the way from 1st. Anybody else have the Dodgers. All these games are going over . I hope Kershaw have another great game, but i doubt it. Ok good luck if you had Tampa Bay congrats.Didnt post but i bet Dodgers win Series $110-50. Go DODGERS P.S Believe mr or not all sports lost $-85 for day all sports